Saturday, June 30, 2007

Equation of Revival

God's up to something! I just have that internal, gut-wrenching stirring that NMC Student Ministries is on the cusp of another spiritual awakening.

After reading Jason Thompson's blog and glancing over Derry Prenkert's blog I'm stirred toward this equation.

IMPACT = Prayer Awakening
NYGO = Brokenness / Compassion for others Awakening
SUMMER CAMP = I'm praying for authentic repentance and new found freedom

That equation could bring a fresh revival to our students and an outreach back to the schools that represent NMC. Our students have to begin looking beyond themselves. The students Christianity praxis seems to be what it does for them versus how they should best reflect Jesus and in turn truly effect others. More convicting still, maybe they mirror what they observe from the generations before them.

There is hope! Our God desires to stir and hungers for moments where He can be glorified through his church. I'm trusting that the equation of revival is being put together for a powerful 2007-2008 school year.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Captain's Blog

Why in the world do I need a blog site? I'm not sure -- it's probably not because I have anything great to say. I guess I'm just one of those guys that just wants to appear like I'm on the "cutting edge" (whatever that might be).

Maybe someday I can be as cool as Derry Prenkert!